True love is not something you find; it's something you create. You have the power to create that place, starting with your Color Baggage.

TRUE LOVE. Say goodbye to surface-level color choices and hello to a deep connection with your home, your life, and YOU in light of true love.

TRANSFORMATION. No more fear of color mishaps, judgment, or a home that's never quite "done." Create a lifelong true love affair you'll relish and cherish forever.

GOODWILL. Say goodbye to "goodwill piles" that continue to keep us dissatisfied and dump the planet with unloved, meaningless baggage. Say hello to goodness, beauty, and harmony, baggage and all!


Includes 30-minute online FaceTime or Zoom with Gretchen Schauffler. One gallon of CB Seashell-Matte Colorwright™ paint for walls.

Questions? Call 503-572-9077


Includes 90-minute online FaceTime or Zoom with Gretchen Schauffler. Two gallon of CB Seashell-Matte Colorwright™ paint for walls.

Questions? Call 503-572-9077


"Gretchen's superpower is helping clients make their homes more than a dwelling place, but an extension of their identities. Her superpower isn't just a keen artistic eye for complementary palettes and lighting - although that's part of it. Her gift is in helping her clients discover the colors that speak to them and giving them permission to shine brightly!"

— Dianne, Homeowner, Cat Lover, Dance Enthusiast


"Gretchen created warm and engaging environments that make our families feel immediately comfortable no matter where they are from or their circumstances. She brought in so much color and vibrancy; it helps families to make memories immediately and allows our physical space to mirror our mission. Thanks to her, our Ronald McDonald house embodies compassionate hospitality."

Jessica Jarratt Miller, Empath, C.E.O, Ronald McDonald House Charities


"The colors Gretchen picked were nothing that we expected. They were loud, confident, yet soft and subtle somehow. It instantly reminded me of a ring I didn't purchase but had always regretted. A statement… large, bold, hand-pounded rustic sterling, yet so delicately surrounded by little diamond chips. The perfect balance!"

David, Homeowner, Passionate Wonderer, Whisky Lover


"I went into he appointment feeling so uncertain about my upcoming renovation and now I am beyond excited because I have the perfect plan and it reflects me and in some ways finally frees my house. Im so grateful for the gifts Gretchen gave me on just an hour FaceTime consult. Numinous experience." 

Jill, Homeowner, Conscious Creative, Intuitive Seeker


Gretchen has a different way of approaching a client relationship. How can she see the light – no light - in the bathroom, how can she understand what we are looking for over FaceTime? I thought I could have just as easily set the money on fire that we just paid. But boy did everything change after our first few minutes together. She picked up on minute details and immediately understood our style. WOW!

Debbie, Homeowner, Passionate Strategist, Art Enthusiast


Her process is worth every penny. Those color choices in my home reflect exactly how I want to live and create in my space, and she gave me the confidence to go all in. The colors are perfect, and the process was perfect. Thanks Gretchen for using your magic to make magic in my space.

Adrianne, Homeowner, Feminist Advocate, Avid Quilter


I was dangerously close to painting my whole house white, untilI got the chance to work with Gretchen who inspired me to paint the home in all kinds of absolutely gorgeous colors that all complement each other so beautifully in ways I never would have thought of on my own. I didn't realize how much color would matter to me in my home until I painted my office a deep, eggplant, or my kitchen a midnight blue, or my bedroom with a mauve accent wall.

—Julianne, Homeowner, Poetic Writer, Wild Explorer


“Thank you for bringing such powerful colors and an inspiring message to those who want to create in every part of their lives. Trust the color attraction! Trust yourself!”

— Janice @violinzy Homeowner, Extraordinary Violinist, Lover Of All Green Things

Let Yourself Be Drawn By The Stronger Pull Of That Which You Truly Love ~ RUMI


Do you ever think your home doesn't feel quite right or is ever finished?

Blame it on your walls.

Wall color, as the largest and most dominant feature in any home, holds the power to shape our environment, influencing our mood and perception with intangible waves of energy and ambiance. It's no wonder we yearn for spaces that look as good as they feel. However, it's easier to leave walls blank and fill our homes with decorative baggage that ends up cluttering not only our physical space but also our confidence and the environment.

There's not enough baggage we can buy to fill the vast emptiness of a room that lacks atmosphere, warmth, and feelings.

Trusting ourselves with choosing paint colors is a daunting task, but a crucial step towards creating spaces that resonate with our true selves — spaces that are not only visually stunning but emotionally fulfilling.

In a painted world of color indecision and painting breakdowns, Gretchen Schauffler's color consultation empowers you to confidently make everything, including baggage you don't love, beautiful and meant to be with a vision of true love, realizing your home's full potential and your own.

