
Which Type Of White Walls Do You Live With? Unpacking the Emotional Impact of White Walls in Your Home!

Hello, Colorful Readers:

People often assume I don't like the color white, but it's quite the opposite. White is my second favorite color after green and plays a significant role in my color baggage. In my family, the color white represents shades of self-worth, chemistry, and connection.

Growing up, I encountered two distinct types of white walls: one reflecting the confidence and belonging of my grandmother in her house, and the other found in my mother's apartments between marriages and homes.

In 2020, amidst the chaos of a pandemic, my family and I experienced a whirlwind of change. Our house was sold unlisted, and we had just six weeks to pack up our lives and move into a luxury penthouse apartment. The space was modern, beautiful, and featured pristine white walls—a blank canvas that evoked memories of the three unique types of white walls I've encountered throughout my life.

My Grandmother's White Walls: A Beacon of True Love

My grandmother's white walls epitomized true love. She adored the purity and simplicity of white, and her walls were a testament to that devotion. Every other color in her space paid homage to the white, creating a harmonious atmosphere that was impossible to ignore. Stepping into her home felt like entering a lighthouse—a beacon of love, warmth, and security.

My Mother's White Walls: A Canvas for New Beginnings

In contrast, my mother's white walls told a different story. They symbolized fresh starts and new beginnings. My mother was married four times, and with each new chapter, she painted her walls white—a clean slate upon which she could rebuild her life and search for true love.

These white walls were her escape hatch, a way to leave the past behind and embrace the possibility of a brighter future. They represented hope, resilience, and the courage to keep pursuing her dreams, no matter how many times she had to start over.

The Third Kind of White Wall: A Loveless Void

Finally, there's the third kind of white wall—the one I encountered when I moved into that luxury penthouse apartment. These white walls were a far cry from the loving warmth of my grandmother's home or the hopeful promise of my mother's fresh starts. Instead, they were cold, impersonal, and devoid of emotion.

Found in inexpensive, temporary living spaces, these white walls are a blank canvas not for creativity or self-expression, but for convenience. They're designed to accommodate a revolving door of tenants, never allowing anyone to truly make the space their own. It's a loveless void, created in the name of flexibility and turnover, but lacking any sense of warmth or belonging.

As I stood in that apartment, surrounded by those sterile white walls, I felt like I was in color purgatory. My color baggage—the memories, emotions, and experiences that had shaped my love for color—felt like rubble. Nothing was grounded; nothing felt like home.

Read how a red table changed my paint color choices and the course of my destiny .

Transforming White Walls with Color Baggage

Like people, there are no bad colors, only bad color relationships. I've come to understand that my grandmother's type of white wall reflects a deep, unwavering love for a particular color. It's a commitment to creating a space that honors and celebrates the essence of that hue, allowing it to shine in its purest form. My mother's white walls, on the other hand, remind us to embrace change and new beginnings.

However, I have made it my life's work to transform white walls into something beautiful, meaningful, and true when they are painted due to color indecision, fear of color failure, or judgment from others. By embracing your unique color baggage and infusing your space with hues that resonate with your soul, you can create a home that truly reflects who you are and what you love.

White walls can look like  a beautiful white overcoat or a lab coat, depending on your outfit.

The Power of Color in Our Lives

Color has the power to transform not just our spaces, but also our lives. When we surround ourselves with colors that we truly love—colors that reflect our unique experiences, our deepest emotions, and our most cherished memories—we create a sense of harmony, belonging, and connection.

Unpacking one's color baggage and creating spaces that feel like home, no matter where we are, empowers and nurtures us in authentic ways. So, as you consider the white walls in your life, ask yourself: What story do they tell? What emotions do they evoke? And how can you transform them into a color relationship that truly reflects the emotion, beauty, and meaning of your life and dreams?

Remember, if melody is the story, harmony is the setting, and harmony comes in color. As you reflect on the white walls in your life, consider how a simple change in color can transform your space and your emotions. May you find the perfect harmony that resonates with your soul. 

Learn about Chromatic Wisdom

From my bag to yours,


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